Who Is Legally Responsible in a Rideshare Motor Vehicle Accident?

June 14, 2019

Rideshare services such as Lyft and Uber have become increasingly popular among residents of Pennsylvania. Users find these services affordable and convenient when they need to get somewhere relatively fast. Unfortunately, rideshare drivers risk involvement in motor vehicle accidents the same as everyone else does.

In a rideshare motor vehicle accident, who is legally liable for a victim’s injuries? The answer to this question is complicated and depends on the factors involved in the accident.

In crashes in which you are a rideshare passenger, the company’s insurance will most likely provide you with compensation for your injuries. Further, the rideshare driver’s employer may also share the legal liability for the harm you have suffered. However, it could become complex because of the controversy about whether or not an Uber or Lyft driver is actually an employee. In such motor vehicle accidents, an injury lawyer can help victims identify liability and assist them in taking the appropriate legal action.

If you were driving another car and were struck by a rideshare motorist, your situation may be even more complicated. When these drivers are on duty and have a passenger in the vehicle, the company’s insurance will likely compensate you. However, if he or she was simply on the way to pick up a passenger, questions about whether the driver was actually working at the time may arise.

As you can see, identifying liability in a motor vehicle accident caused by a rideshare driver may indeed be complex. Regardless of your case’s complexity, you still have the right to seek a legal remedy. For best results, it is wise to take your situation to an attorney in order to determine the best way to acquire the compensation you deserve.

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