How Long Do You Have to File a Product Liability Claim?

October 23, 2019

When a product deemed safe for consumer use causes you or a loved one harm, you may feel a strong need to take some kind of action. Most victims desperately need answers. They want to know how this could have happened and what they can do to lessen their suffering. These are natural responses to a negligent injury. However, the vast majority of victims simply want to make sure that no one else suffers a similar fate.

It is not easy to accomplish all of these goals, but the best way to do so is to initiate a product liability claim. It may be hard to believe, but the law is on your side these cases. Despite this, the burden of proving that a defective product harmed you falls on your shoulders. To make it feel even more hopeless, you only have a certain amount of time in which to pursue a legal remedy.

In Pennsylvania, victims have two years beginning on the date of the injury to start a claim.

For most victims, this is plenty of time to find a skilled legal representative and begin building a case. However, in some situations, victims might not know right away that a faulty product caused their injury.

In these situations, it may be possible to initiate a product liability claim even though the deadline for filing has expired. Under the fraudulent concealment doctrine, you and your attorney may still file a claim. However, you must be prepared to prove that the involved party (e.g. a product manufacturer) concealed the fact that a product defect caused your injury.

The takeaway here is simple. Do not give up just because the deadline for action has expired. A good injury lawyer will work hard to help you overcome your obstacles and receive the compensation you deserve.

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