Drinking Coffee, Driving With Your Knees and Other Dangers

August 1, 2019

Multitasking, or attempting to do so, causes accidents all the time in the United States. That’s because multitasking is actually just distracted driving. You cannot do both things at once. When your attention leaves the road, the odds of an accident increase.

It’s also very common. Think of your standard morning commute. You head to the office a few minutes late, so you’re already speeding to make up time. You stop off at a local fast-food restaurant for a cup of coffee. Drinking during your commute is more than just a ritual; it is an addiction.

As you continue, you let go of the wheel with one hand to hold the hot coffee as it sloshes in the cup. Maybe you also bought a bagel or a donut, so you start driving with your knees in order to eat and drink at the same time.

Sure, you keep your eyes on the road — most of the time — but it’s clear that you’re distracted. You’re not in control of the car. If anything happens unexpectedly, you’re going to get into an accident. You just can’t react fast enough to avoid it, whether or not it’s your fault.

Maybe, however, you’re a wise and responsible driver. You never eat or drink during your commute. You keep both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road.

That’s a good thing, but there are plenty of distracted drivers trying to multitask all around you. If one of them causes an accident, you may need to seek compensation for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages and other costs.

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