Know Your Options If You Suffer a Work-Related Injury

August 7, 2019

After suffering injuries in a construction accident, most employees believe that workers’ compensation is the only way to get the money they need as they recover and cannot work. While this program is certainly beneficial, it is not the sole source of financial relief for injured workers. If one or more negligent parties played a role in your work-related injury, you have an additional legal option at your disposal.

A third-party liability claim can provide injured Pennsylvania workers with enough financial compensation to meet their needs until they recover. In cases of catastrophic injury, partial or total disability and death, such compensation can ensure that you continue receiving medical care while also providing for your family.

Following are some examples of third parties that often contribute to injuries in a construction setting:

  • Negligent contractors or subcontractors
  • Manufacturers of faulty work equipment
  • Negligent motorists that cause a vehicle-related accident
  • Manufacturers of defective personal protective gear

As it is with non-work-related personal injury claims, proving negligence in third-party suits is the key to success. We realize how difficult this sounds to injured parties. However, with the right support system, you may have an excellent chance of success.

A skilled and experienced legal team knows how to uncover evidence proving that another party caused or contributed to your personal injury. When the worker’s compensation system is not enough to cover your family’s financial needs, a third-party liability claim can make all the difference.

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