Expungement and Sealing of Records

Pennsylvania was the first state to pass a Clean Slate Law. Governor Wolf signed the bill into law on June 28, 2018. The law created an automated process to seal certain criminal records. This law is designed to help individuals who are applying for a job or renting an apartment by preventing certain people like employers and landlords from accessing your prior contacts with law enforcement.

The Clean Slate Law and the process of sealing criminal records is NOT the same as an Expungement. Criminal matters that have been sealed will continue to exist and be stored at the courthouse and other law enforcement agencies. When sealed, the records are simply preserved and not available to the general public. When an expungement is done properly, a Judge from the Court of Common Pleas will issue an order to the various agencies that have retained your criminal records. The Order will direct those agencies to destroy all of the records related to your file. The process is not complete until you receive affidavits from each agency swearing that they have destroyed all of the records related to your case. Thus, even state law enforcement agencies will not be able to view the records from your old case if you have it properly expunged.

Although the Clean Slate Law will help a lot people, expungement is a much better option to ensure your old criminal records are not used to your disadvantage. If you have questions about expungement or the sealing of your criminal records pursuant to the Clean Slate Law, Goldman Law Offices is here to help and will schedule a free consultation.

Even if you are not eligible for an expungement or relief under the Clean Slate Law, Goldman Law Offices can help you receive a Pardon.

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To arrange an appointment with an experienced Expungement attorney, contact us online or call us at 215-348-2605.

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